

Choosing a Guardian for a child or children can be a very difficult challenge. When there are children with disabilities it is even more complex. There are so many options. The responsibility, the trust issues, the financial issues, the family issues and more... all of it must be considered. Where does one start ? What are the options ?

How can you be objective and subjective all at once ? Stand back and think it through. Ultimately it is a matter of choosing what is best for the children involved. It is a 'what if' matter...and a huge responsibility. How do you determine and finally get acceptance from your chosen Guardian or Guardians?

Does your back up plan have a back up plan ? Does that plan have a back up plan ? Are there resources and talent in place to manage it ?

These questions and many more need to be considered. Often it is useful to consult some trusted adviser to help in the process. Other times it becomes a matter of knowing what options might be entertained.

Certainly each and every situation is unique. It can take time to make these decisions and to get the approvals required. It is always easier to deal with these situations when there are no time constraints. Now is never too soon.

We hear it on the news all too often. A couple took the evening off for R&R and were killed or incapacitated on the way home. Were they prepared ? Too often..the answer is NO !

Good help has always been hard to find. The decisions may be the most difficult of challenges. It becomes a matter of trust and confidence. There are professionals that you can turn to; it is not an issue to ask for help. Our children are our future and our greatest enduring asset.

Should you have more questions or comments please send a message by clicking on the envelope below.